Forever Cacao Club

Ceremonial Cacao, Dance & Resonant Sound combined for a high vibrational, heart opening, conscious gathering of like minded Souls.

Moving forward with connection, intention & positive change,
Dance yourself free, this is your medicine & we are your friends!
Come and join us this month:
7:30 - 11pm
(Doors open 7pm)
Mereside Community Centre, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, UK

We gather, Cacao in hand, heart open!

The experience:

Step into a Ceremonial space and connect within yourself.
A safe, sacred environment, cleared, cleansed & refreshed with a beautiful freshly created flower mandala.

Drink delicious Ceremonial grade Cacao (Vegan recipe)
Practice some simple meditation & grounding techniques to focus into the moment then we dance!

We create a fully immersive environment with resident DJ, sound system and lighting.

The evening wraps up with a beautiful sound bath.
Each month we welcome a Practitioner of resonant sound from Gong, Bowls, Flute, Drum & beyond!

A bridge between two Worlds - the familiar & the new!

Nothing is expected of you here.
This is all for you.
Wear what you want.
Dance however you like.
Eyes open for connection, eyes closed for inner space.
Sit alone in peace or chat & drink tea with like minded friends.

Monthly, around the full Moon, an opportunity to be among friendly people from all ways of life.

If you’re interested in raising your vibration, Cacao, dancing, sound, connection, laughter, well being, regeneration and transformation, we invite you to be here.
Wherever you are on your path, there is a space for you.

Evening Flow:

  • Doors open at 7pm
(Please arrive before 7:15pm if you can!)
  • We begin at 7:30pm.
  • Cacao Circle
We sit, calm & clear our energy.
Set our intentions (privately) for now or the future.
Drink a cup of delicious Ceremonial grade Cacao.
Connecting heart, mind and body…followed by dancing…

  • Music / Dance
Resident DJ, mixing up a musical journey across genres creating a fresh selection of new and old tunes to delight & inspire, to shift energy, invoke memories…
Call in the light & rinse out the darkness of our times!

A taste of previous mixes can be found here:

  • Sound Bath
Rounding off with blissful tones, rhythms or sounds for rest and relaxation, helping to integrate the energy of the experience and ground your body, wrapping you in love ready to go on your merry way.

Forever Cacao Club is a strictly no booze, shoes if you choose event.
(It's great to dance barefoot or in your socks but we understand if you can't or don't want to)

Sober dancing is not only possible - its amazing!
In the environment we create you will feel fabulous & free - This is what sovereignty feels like!

Cacao, dancing & sound healing in an intentional setting is a great way to move stuff out without years of therapy or raking over old issues.
Your energy can move, shaking up stuckness - emotionally, physically, mentally - anything that's ready to be released!
Feelings, emotions & memories may arise, allow them to be or float through you. We are on hand if you need extra support.  

With an evening like this you'll be wondering
"What else is possible?"

Stay connected!
Sign up to the Forever Cacao Club mailing list for details about future events etc

* indicates required
Ceremonial Cacao:
Cacao is the fruit from the Cacao tree and is the precursor / main ingredient in chocolate.
Ceremonial Cacao is the best of the best.
Our Ceremonial Cacao is pure, organic, wild grown and ethically sourced from ancient Cacao gardens. We are very lucky to have established a direct link with Ashaninka Communities in Peru.
This is sacred and precious with a high energetic vibration.
Cacao can open your heart, create happy states, release negative emotions, and connect you to pure love energy.
Nourishment for your very core and we make it absolutely delicious!
Large main dance room and a separate sanctuary space which is a restful place to chat or sit and just be for a while.
Free herbal teas, some fresh water & tap water are all available - Please bring your own drink of choice too (non alcoholic of course!)
Sit or lie down to experience the magical healing sound.
Bring a cushion and blanket. Comfort is key!
Free parking on site.
Full access venue for all abilities.
Easy to get to, main roads all the way baby!
Event preparation advice and more information etc on the ticket page:
Strictly tickets only as the Cacao is prepared fresh on the day. 
Come and join us this month:
7:30 - 11pm
(Doors open 7pm)
We'd love to see you...